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furniture bamboo baskets, bamboo baskets,
gift baskets, trays, bowls trays, picnic, picnic baskets, wire baskets, wicker
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baskets, baskets wholesale, Serving baskets, willow, willow baskets, rattan
furniture bamboo baskets, bamboo baskets,
gift baskets, trays, bowls trays, picnic, picnic baskets, wire baskets, wicker
baskets, furniture, wicker furniture,
rattan, packaging, wicker,wickerware, ceramic, ceramicware, platters, platters
United Basket Company
is pleased and proud to present their new 2006, combined basket and furniture
catalog.Since our last edition we have included over one hundred new items.
Local business are cordially
invited and encouraged to do their purchasing at our modern warehouse, which
is open 5 days a week 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM.
Please note that most
orders are generally shipped within 5
working days or less and orders are processed year round. Our office is most
anxious to give you the latest in-stock information and news of the hottest
selling items.
United Basket Company
looks forward to your support as we enter our 63rd year serving our customers.
baskets, baskets wholesale, Serving baskets, willow, willow baskets, rattan
furniture bamboo baskets, bamboo baskets,
gift baskets, trays, bowls trays, picnic, picnic baskets, wire baskets, wicker
baskets, furniture, wicker furniture,
rattan, packaging, wicker,wickerware, ceramic, ceramicware, platters, platters
Your whoesale supplier for Baskets, Wicker Furniture and Ceramicware.